Finding a Dog Match, or Listing a Dog Match, a Show & Go, a Seminar or Camp
is easy and it's just a click away! is a unique service that provides a means to find or
list a dog event in a timely fashion with updates daily, affording better
deadlines for last minute listings and entries.
Finding a listed event on is FREE. Go to the top of this page
and click on "Find a Match Show/Event" ---
it's FREE.

Dog Clubs, Schools and Event Hosts can list an event on
and are provided the opportunity for that event to
reach everyone in cyberspace.
There are no yearly subscription fees for Exhibitors and Handlers, there are no
mail delays and missed deadlines. Instead you can search for a match on line,
and for a small fee enter and pay for an obedience match in the comfort of your
home. Wait! It's even better; no more waiting to find out what time you are in
the match. You pick your own time according to availability. This is so new and
unique, you will enjoy entering a Match.
Online entry has many benefits. Aside from eliminating literally tons of paper
work, the
Clubs, Schools, etc will see even greater financial benefit.
Find out more by going to the top of the page and clicking on "List Your Match
Show / Event".
Whether your interest is
Obedience, Rally, Agility, Breed, Tracking, Herding,
Hunt Test or Field, Freestyle, Flyball or Earth Dog, and whether you
train for AKC, UKC, ASCA, Companion Dog Sports Program or APDT, will help find the event you choose. has so many advantages that we think you will agree when we
say, "why didn't someone think of this sooner?" and it's just a click away!