Dog Match Show/Event Listings

You searched for: Venues: Rally; State: New Jersey; Date Range: 9/11/2024 to 9/11/2025; (Click here to run a New Search)

Princeton Dog Training Club - 9AM-11AM Master/Excellent Dual Ring Rally Workshop with Sam Scicchigno (Print Details)
Date(s): Sunday, November 3, 2024
Venues (w/fees): Obedience     Rally     Workshops - Auditing: 1 Day ($25.00)     Workshops - Working: 1 Day ($50.00)     
Close Date for Mail-In Entries: 11/2/2024     PreEntry: Y     SASE Req'd: N     Indoor (with AC/Heat)

9AM-11AM Master/Excellent Dual Ring Workshop We'll have a Master course set up in one ring and an Excellent course set up in the other. Handlers will get to run their choice of course on the first run, while another team is warming up in the adjacent ring. We'll critique each run and break down areas that present themselves to be a challenge. Time permitting, we'll work on other aspects of being trial-ready at these levels. We'll finish with handlers having another opportunity to run a course. You do not need to be competing at the Master level to participate in this workshop, any team familiar with the Excellent-level signs is enthusiastically welcomed!

Working slot - $50.00
Auditing slot - $25.00

On line entry only no refunds.

Location: Princeton Dog Training Club (North Brunswick, NJ) (Click for Directions)
Sponsored by:
For more Information, contact: Tracey Aldrich (Click to Send Email)  



Princeton Dog Training Club - 11:15 AM-1:15 PM The 4-Ring Picture Rally Workshop with Sam Scicchigno (Print Details)
Date(s): Sunday, November 3, 2024
Venues (w/fees): Obedience     Rally     Workshops - Auditing: 1 Day ($25.00)     Workshops - Working: 1 Day ($50.00)     
Close Date for Mail-In Entries: 11/2/2024     PreEntry: Y     SASE Req'd: N     Indoor (with AC/Heat)

11:15AM-1:15PM The 4-Ring Picture Appropriate for any team looking to proof their dog's skills in a progressively busier environment. If you've only ever shown at 1-ring trials, but have aspirations for AKC Rally Nationals, the AKC RACH Invitational, or competing at cluster shows or busy breed specialties, come to this workshop and show your dog the "picture" of 4 adjacent rings. In many ways a progression of our popular Skills & Drills workshop, we'll work on ring entries, heeling along ring gates near other dogs, and common distractions at busy shows like spectators, cameras, and distractions in the adjacent rings. This is not a workshop for coursework, it is an attention, engagement, and distraction workshop and is designed for one dog per handler.

Working slot - $50.00
Auditing slot - $25.00

On line entry only no refunds.

Location: Princeton Dog Training Club (North Brunswick, NJ) (Click for Directions)
Sponsored by:
For more Information, contact: Tracey Aldrich (Click to Send Email)  



Princeton Dog Training Club - 1:30 PM-3:30 PM Teaching AKC Intermediate/Advanced Rally Workshop with Sam Scicchigno (Print Details)
Date(s): Sunday, November 3, 2024
Venues (w/fees): Obedience     Rally     Workshops - Auditing: 1 Day ($25.00)     Workshops - Working: 1 Day ($50.00)     
Close Date for Mail-In Entries: 11/2/2024     PreEntry: Y     SASE Req'd: N     Indoor (with AC/Heat)

1:30 PM-3:30PM Teaching AKC Intermediate/Advanced Perfect for those who have taken our Rally Novice workshops, this workshop will introduce concepts to prepare for successful performance in the AKC Intermediate and Advanced class, including pivots, stands, turns with circles, call to heel, side steps and fronts from a halt. Suggestions for training at home will be incorporated. After covering these behaviors, we will finish with a course, time permitting. Off-leash skills will not be explicitly taught in this workshop and dogs do NOT need to be working reliably off leash to attend. This is not a workshop for coursework and is designed for one dog per handler.

$50.00 for working slot
$25.00 for auditing slot

No refunds on line entry only.

Location: Princeton Dog Training Club (North Brunswick, NJ) (Click for Directions)
Sponsored by:
For more Information, contact: Tracey Aldrich (Click to Send Email)  



First Dog Training Club of Northern NJ All Breed RALLY Obedience Match (Print Details)
Date(s): Sunday, March 2, 2025
Venues (w/fees): Obedience - Open ($10.00)     Obedience - Versatility ($10.00)     Rally - Advanced ($10.00)     Rally - Excellent ($10.00)     Rally - Novice ($10.00)     
Close Date for Mail-In Entries: 2/27/2025     PreEntry: Y     SASE Req'd: N     Indoor (with AC/Heat)

Get Ready for our FDTC July Rally trials!!
The Versatility Ring is for MASTERS (there is no Masters category, so we use Versatility instead). Versatility=Masters! The Open ring is for INTERMEDIATE (there is also no Intermediate category, so we use Open instead) Open=Intermediate!!
Ground floor/handicapped accessible
Street parking
Remember: The Versatility Ring is for MASTERS (there is no category for Masters so used Versatility instead). Versatility=Masters! ALSO, Open ring is for INTERMEDIATE: Open=Intermediate!!

Indoor restrooms
NO REFUNDS: Please send someone in your place!
Food and drink not available. Dunkin Donuts nearby

Location: First Dog Training Club of Northern NJ (Westwood, NJ) (Click for Directions)
Sponsored by:
For more Information, contact: Mary Bellobuono (Click to Send Email)

Close Date for Online Entry: 2/27/2025 Midnight